// Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor // http://www.kevinroth.com/rte/demo.htm // Written by Kevin Roth (kevin@NOSPAMkevinroth.com - remove NOSPAM) // Modified by Kevin Liao //init variables var isRichText = false; var showSource = false; var rng; var currentRTE; var allRTEs = ""; var isIE; var isGecko; var isSafari; var isKonqueror; var imagesPath; var includesPath; var cssFile; function initRTE(imgPath, incPath, css) { //set browser vars var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); isIE = ((ua.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (ua.indexOf("opera") == -1) && (ua.indexOf("webtv") == -1)); isGecko = (ua.indexOf("gecko") != -1); isSafari = (ua.indexOf("safari") != -1); isKonqueror = (ua.indexOf("konqueror") != -1); //check to see if designMode mode is available if (document.getElementById && document.designMode && !isSafari && !isKonqueror) { isRichText = true; } if (!isIE) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT | Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP); document.onmouseover = raiseButton; document.onmouseout = normalButton; document.onmousedown = lowerButton; document.onmouseup = raiseButton; //set paths vars imagesPath = imgPath; includesPath = incPath; cssFile = css; if (isRichText) document.writeln(''); //for testing standard textarea, uncomment the following line //isRichText = false; } function writeRichText(rte, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly, source) { showSource = source; if (isRichText) { if (allRTEs.length > 0) allRTEs += ";"; allRTEs += rte; writeRTE(rte, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly, source); } else { writeDefault(rte, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly); } } function writeDefault(rte, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly) { if (!readOnly) { document.writeln(''); } else { document.writeln(''); } } function raiseButton(e) { if (isIE) { var el = window.event.srcElement; } else { var el= e.target; } className = el.className; if (className == 'rteImage' || className == 'rteImageLowered') { el.className = 'rteImageRaised'; } } function normalButton(e) { if (isIE) { var el = window.event.srcElement; } else { var el= e.target; } className = el.className; if (className == 'rteImageRaised' || className == 'rteImageLowered') { el.className = 'rteImage'; } } function lowerButton(e) { if (isIE) { var el = window.event.srcElement; } else { var el= e.target; } className = el.className; if (className == 'rteImage' || className == 'rteImageRaised') { el.className = 'rteImageLowered'; } } function writeRTE(rte, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly, source) { if (readOnly) buttons = false; //adjust minimum table widths if (isIE) { if (buttons && (width < 600)) width = 600; var tablewidth = width; } else { if (buttons && (width < 500)) width = 500; var tablewidth = width + 4; } if (buttons == true) { document.writeln(''); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('
'); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln('
Insert Table
Table Properties
Table Borders
Column width
'); // document.writeln('
'); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // if (isIE) { // document.writeln(' '); // } document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); // document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('
'); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' BoldItalicUnderlineAlign LeftCenterAlign RightJustify FullHorizontal RuleOrdered ListUnordered ListOutdentIndent
Text Color
Background Color
Insert LinkAdd ImageSpell CheckCutCopyPaste
Insert Table
Table Properties
Table Borders
Column width
'); } if (!readOnly) { document.writeln(''); } else { document.writeln(''); } if (source && !readOnly) document.writeln('
 View HTML Source'); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); //document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.getElementById('hdn' + rte).value = html; enableDesignMode(rte, html, readOnly); } function calcHeight(rte_name) { //find the height of the internal page var the_height= 100; if (document.all) { the_height = frames[rte_name].document.body.scrollTop; alert("height1 is "+the_height); } else { the_height = document.getElementById(rte_name).contentWindow. document.body.scrollHeight; } if (the_height == 0) { the_height = 50; } //change the height of the iframe document.getElementById(rte_name).height= the_height; } function enableDesignMode(rte, html, readOnly) { var frameHtml = "\n"; frameHtml += "\n"; //to reference your stylesheet, set href property below to your stylesheet path and uncomment if (cssFile.length > 0) { frameHtml += "\n"; } else { frameHtml += "\n"; } frameHtml += "\n"; frameHtml += "\n"; frameHtml += html + "\n"; frameHtml += "\n"; frameHtml += ""; if (document.all) { var oRTE = frames[rte].document; oRTE.open(); oRTE.write(frameHtml); oRTE.close(); if (!readOnly) oRTE.designMode = "On"; } else { try { if (!readOnly) document.getElementById(rte).contentDocument.designMode = "on"; try { var oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow.document; oRTE.open(); oRTE.write(frameHtml); oRTE.close(); if (isGecko && !readOnly) { //attach a keyboard handler for gecko browsers to make keyboard shortcuts work oRTE.addEventListener("keypress", kb_handler, true); } } catch (e) { alert("Error preloading content."); } } catch (e) { //gecko may take some time to enable design mode. //Keep looping until able to set. if (isGecko) { setTimeout("enableDesignMode('" + rte + "', '" + html + "', " + readOnly + ");", 10); } else { return false; } } } } function updateRTEs() { var vRTEs = allRTEs.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < vRTEs.length; i++) { updateRTE(vRTEs[i]); } } function updateRTE(rte) { if (!isRichText) return; //set message value var oHdnMessage = document.getElementById('hdn' + rte); var oRTE = document.getElementById(rte); var readOnly = false; //check for readOnly mode if (document.all) { if (frames[rte].document.designMode != "On") readOnly = true; } else { if (document.getElementById(rte).contentDocument.designMode != "on") readOnly = true; } if (isRichText && !readOnly) { //if viewing source, switch back to design view if (showSource) { if (document.getElementById("chkSrc" + rte).checked) { document.getElementById("chkSrc" + rte).checked = false; toggleHTMLSrc(rte); } } if (oHdnMessage.value == null) oHdnMessage.value = ""; if (document.all) { oHdnMessage.value = stripLineBreaks(frames[rte].document.body.innerHTML); } else { oHdnMessage.value = stripLineBreaks(oRTE.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML); } //if there is no content (other than formatting) set value to nothing if (stripHTML(oHdnMessage.value.replace(" ", " ")) == "" && oHdnMessage.value.toLowerCase().search(""; var TdefRowCount=0; var TdefColumnCount=0; while ( TdefRowCount < TdefRows ) { ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+""; TdefRowCount=TdefRowCount+1; TdefColumnCount=0; while( TdefColumnCount < TdefCols ) { if (isIE) { // IE allows you to edit with nothing in the tabledef ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+""; } else { // Mozilla needs a blank space to work ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+" "; } TdefColumnCount=TdefColumnCount+1; } ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+""; } ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+""; // alert("Html with table text: "+ReplaceHtml); // alert("InnerHtmlTextCursorPos:"+InnerHtmlTextCursorPos+" Length:"+InnerHtmlText.length); // alert("Rest of text: "+InnerHtmlText.substr(InnerHtmlTextCursorPos,InnerHtmlText.length)); // Add on the rest of the text ReplaceHtml=ReplaceHtml+InnerHtmlText.substr(InnerHtmlTextCursorPos,InnerHtmlText.length); oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=ReplaceHtml; oRTE.focus(); RemoveCursorMarker(); document.getElementById('tabd' + rte).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('tabd' + rte).style.display = "none"; } function locateCursor() { var rte = currentRTE; var oRTE = document.getElementById(currentRTE); if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } // var parentCommand = parent.command; oRTE.focus(); // We've got a piece of text to search for already in the html text. // alert(oRTE.document.body.innerHTML); // We've added in the position marger (as an image) into the raw html. // Now, given that we know what the text starts and ends with, work out // the actual start and end position, and the text within the HTML string // NOTE: I'm not searching for the exact text, as different browsers may // put minor changes into the HTML, e.g. spaces, case etc. var MainHtml=oRTE.document.body.innerHTML; // Uppercase is used purely for searching - but it is equivalent to the // real html. var MainHtmlUpper=MainHtml.toUpperCase(); // alert(MainHtmlUpper); // First-find the start of the IMG Src var StartTdef1=MainHtml.indexOf("TABDEF_XXX.gif"); // alert("XXX at "+StartTdef1); var StartTdef = -1; for (var i = StartTdef1; i >= 0 && StartTdef==-1 ; i--) { if (MainHtmlUpper.substr(i,1)=="<") { StartTdef=i; }; // alert(MainHtmlUpper.substr(i,5)+" > "+StartTdef); } if( StartTdef==-1 ) { // Panic - got a problem alert("Can't find table marker?"); } // The start of the IMG is at StartTdef - now find end. // alert(StartTdef); // Html is bounded by '>' var EndTdef=MainHtmlUpper.indexOf(">",StartTdef1); // alert(EndTdef); // Get the length of string to remove var TdefStrLen=EndTdef-StartTdef+1; // alert(TdefStrLen); // This is the string to remove - should be the same as original. var TdefStr=MainHtml.substr(StartTdef,TdefStrLen); // alert("Marker str:"+TdefStr); // Got the details - now remove the marker string from the original HTML var MadeOrigStringStart=MainHtml.substr(0,StartTdef); var MadeOrigStringEnd=MainHtml.substr(EndTdef+1,MainHtml.length); // alert ("MadeOrigStringStart:'"+MadeOrigStringStart+"' End:'"+MadeOrigStringEnd+"'"); InnerHtmlTextCursorPos=MadeOrigStringStart.length; InnerHtmlText=MadeOrigStringStart+MadeOrigStringEnd; } function RemoveCursorMarker() { // As a cleanup, hunt through and remove the special marker // used to locate the cursor. var rte = currentRTE; var oRTE = document.getElementById(currentRTE); if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } // var parentCommand = parent.command; oRTE.focus(); // We've got a piece of text to search for already in the html text. // alert(oRTE.document.body.innerHTML); // We've added in the position marker (as an image) into the raw html. // Now, given that we know what the text starts and ends with, work out // the actual start and end position, and the text within the HTML string // NOTE: I'm not searching for the exact text, as different browsers may // put minor changes into the HTML, e.g. spaces, case etc. var MainHtml=oRTE.document.body.innerHTML; // Uppercase is used purely for searching - but it is equivalent to the // real html. var MainHtmlUpper=MainHtml.toUpperCase(); // alert(MainHtmlUpper); // First-find the start of the IMG Src var StartTdef1=MainHtml.indexOf("TABDEF_XXX.gif"); // alert("XXX at "+StartTdef1); var StartTdef = -1; for (var i = StartTdef1; i >= 0 && StartTdef==-1 ; i--) { if (MainHtmlUpper.substr(i,1)=="<") { StartTdef=i; }; // alert(MainHtmlUpper.substr(i,5)+" > "+StartTdef); } if( StartTdef> -1 ) { // Found a marker to remove // The start of the IMG is at StartTdef - now find end. // alert(StartTdef); // End of image is '>' var EndTdef=MainHtmlUpper.indexOf(">",StartTdef1); // alert(EndTdef); // Get the length of string to remove var TdefStrLen=EndTdef-StartTdef+1; // alert(TdefStrLen); // This is the string to remove - should be the same as original. var TdefStr=MainHtml.substr(StartTdef,TdefStrLen); // alert(TdefStr); // Got the details - now remove the marker string from the original HTML var MadeOrigStringStart=MainHtml.substr(0,StartTdef); var MadeOrigStringEnd=MainHtml.substr(EndTdef+1,MainHtml.length); // alert ("MadeOrigStringStart:'"+MadeOrigStringStart+"' End:'"+MadeOrigStringEnd+"'"); InnerHtmlTextCursorPos=MadeOrigStringStart.length; oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=MadeOrigStringStart+MadeOrigStringEnd; } } //Function to set cell background colour function setCellBackground(color) { var rte = currentRTE; var oRTE = document.getElementById(currentRTE); locateCursor(); // alert("Text:"+InnerHtmlText+" Pos:"+InnerHtmlTextCursorPos); if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } var parentCommand = parent.command; oRTE.focus(); // The two standard variables used are: // InnerHtmlText - Contains the HTML text // InnerHtmlTextCursorPos - contains the position of the cursor within the HTML text. // alert("SetCellColour:"+color); var mStrPtr=InnerHtmlTextCursorPos; // Get an upper-case version of the HTML text used for searching. var InnerHtmlTextUpper = InnerHtmlText.toUpperCase(); // Find the cell definition while ( InnerHtmlTextUpper.substr(mStrPtr,3) != "=0 ) { // Hunting for a cell definition mStrPtr = mStrPtr-1; } // Now we've got the location of the cell definition - find the end of the TD var mStrPtr2=InnerHtmlText.indexOf(">",mStrPtr); // Get the before and after parts of the cell definition. var ResultStrStart=InnerHtmlText.substr(0,mStrPtr); var TDLength=mStrPtr2-mStrPtr+1; var TDString=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr,TDLength); var ResultStrEnd=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr+TDLength,InnerHtmlText.length); // Got the cell definition TDString=TDString.toUpperCase(); // alert(TDString); // Before we add the BGCOLOR, we need to see if one already exists, // if so, we need to remove it... // We assume the following. // IE: ...bgColor=#123456 // Moz: ...bgColor="#123456" var BGColorFound=TDString.indexOf("BGCOLOR"); if (BGColorFound > -1) { // alert("BG found at:"+BGColorFound); // what we need to do now, is remove the BGCOLOR element, we know the start // now find the end (bounded by ' ' or '>' // Get the text before the BGCOLOR var TDString2=TDString.substr(0,BGColorFound-1); var BGEND1 = TDString.indexOf(">",BGColorFound); var BGEND2 = TDString.indexOf(" ",BGColorFound); // Get whichever is first... if (BGEND1 >=0 && BGEND2 >=0) { if (BGEND1 > BGEND2 ) { var BGEND=BGEND2; } else { var BGEND=BGEND1; } } else { if (BGEND1 >=0 ) { var BGEND=BGEND1; } else { var BGEND=BGEND2; } } TDString2=TDString2+TDString.substr(BGEND,TDString.length); } else { var TDString2=TDString; } // take off the trailing '>' and add on the new bgColor value. TDString2=TDString2.substr(0,TDString2.length-1)+' bgColor="'+color+'">'; // alert("TDString2:"+TDString2); var ReplaceHtml = ResultStrStart +TDString2+ResultStrEnd; oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=ReplaceHtml; oRTE.focus(); RemoveCursorMarker(); document.getElementById('tabp' + rte).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('tabp' + rte).style.display = "none"; } //Function to Add border size to a table function setBorderSize(color) { var rte = currentRTE; var oRTE = document.getElementById(currentRTE); locateCursor(); // alert("Text:"+InnerHtmlText+" Pos:"+InnerHtmlTextCursorPos); if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } var parentCommand = parent.command; oRTE.focus(); // The two standard variables used are: // InnerHtmlText - Contains the HTML text // InnerHtmlTextCursorPos - contains the position of the cursor within the HTML text. // alert("SetCellColour:"+color); var mStrPtr=InnerHtmlTextCursorPos; // Get an upper-case version of the HTML text used for searching. var InnerHtmlTextUpper = InnerHtmlText.toUpperCase(); // Find the cell definition while ( InnerHtmlTextUpper.substr(mStrPtr,6) != "=0 ) { // Hunting for a cell definition mStrPtr = mStrPtr-1; } // Now we've got the location of the table definition - find the end of the TABLE var mStrPtr2=InnerHtmlText.indexOf(">",mStrPtr); // Get the before and after parts of the cell definition. var ResultStrStart=InnerHtmlText.substr(0,mStrPtr); var TDLength=mStrPtr2-mStrPtr+1; var TDString=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr,TDLength); var ResultStrEnd=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr+TDLength,InnerHtmlText.length); // Got the cell definition TDString=TDString.toUpperCase(); // alert("Tablestring:"+TDString); // Before we add the BORDER, we need to see if one already exists, // if so, we need to remove it... var BorderFound=TDString.indexOf("BORDER"); if (BorderFound > -1) { // alert("Border found at:"+BorderFound); // what we need to do now, is remove the BORDER element, we know the start // now find the end (bounded by ' ' or '>' // Get the text before the BORDER var TDString2=TDString.substr(0,BorderFound-1); // alert ("TDString2 (start)"+TDString2); var BGEND1 = TDString.indexOf(">",BorderFound); var BGEND2 = TDString.indexOf(" ",BorderFound); // Get whichever is first... if (BGEND1 >=0 && BGEND2 >=0) { if (BGEND1 > BGEND2 ) { var BGEND=BGEND2; } else { var BGEND=BGEND1; } } else { if (BGEND1 >=0 ) { var BGEND=BGEND1; } else { var BGEND=BGEND2; } } // alert("Adding:"+TDString.substr(BGEND,TDString.length)+" End:"+BGEND); TDString2=TDString2+TDString.substr(BGEND,TDString.length); } else { var TDString2=TDString; } // take off the trailing '>' and add on the new bgColor value. TDString2=TDString2.substr(0,TDString2.length-1)+' border="'+color+'">'; // alert("TDString2:"+TDString2); var ReplaceHtml = ResultStrStart +TDString2+ResultStrEnd; oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=ReplaceHtml; oRTE.focus(); RemoveCursorMarker(); document.getElementById('tabp2' + rte).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('tabp2' + rte).style.display = "none"; } //Function to Add table function setColumnWidth(color) { var rte = currentRTE; var oRTE = document.getElementById(currentRTE); locateCursor(); // alert("Text:"+InnerHtmlText+" Pos:"+InnerHtmlTextCursorPos); if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } var parentCommand = parent.command; oRTE.focus(); // The two standard variables used are: // InnerHtmlText - Contains the HTML text // InnerHtmlTextCursorPos - contains the position of the cursor within the HTML text. // alert("SetCellColour:"+color); var mStrPtr=InnerHtmlTextCursorPos; // Get an upper-case version of the HTML text used for searching. var InnerHtmlTextUpper = InnerHtmlText.toUpperCase(); // Find the cell definition while ( InnerHtmlTextUpper.substr(mStrPtr,3) != "=0 ) { // Hunting for a cell definition mStrPtr = mStrPtr-1; } // Now we've got the location of the cell definition - find the end of the TD var mStrPtr2=InnerHtmlText.indexOf(">",mStrPtr); // Get the before and after parts of the cell definition. var ResultStrStart=InnerHtmlText.substr(0,mStrPtr); var TDLength=mStrPtr2-mStrPtr+1; var TDString=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr,TDLength); var ResultStrEnd=InnerHtmlText.substr(mStrPtr+TDLength,InnerHtmlText.length); // Got the cell definition TDString=TDString.toUpperCase(); // alert(TDString); // Before we add the width, we need to see if one already exists, // if so, we need to remove it... // We assume the following. // IE: ...bgColor=#123456 // Moz: ...bgColor="#123456" var WidthFound=TDString.indexOf("WIDTH"); if (WidthFound > -1) { // alert("Width found at:"+WidthFound); // what we need to do now, is remove the WIDTH element, we know the start // now find the end (bounded by ' ' or '>' // Get the text before the WIDTH var TDString2=TDString.substr(0,WidthFound-1); var BGEND1 = TDString.indexOf(">",WidthFound); var BGEND2 = TDString.indexOf(" ",WidthFound); // Get whichever is first... if (BGEND1 >=0 && BGEND2 >=0) { if (BGEND1 > BGEND2 ) { var BGEND=BGEND2; } else { var BGEND=BGEND1; } } else { if (BGEND1 >=0 ) { var BGEND=BGEND1; } else { var BGEND=BGEND2; } } TDString2=TDString2+TDString.substr(BGEND,TDString.length); } else { var TDString2=TDString; } // take off the trailing '>' and add on the new width value. TDString2=TDString2.substr(0,TDString2.length-1)+' width="'+color+'">'; // alert("TDString2:"+TDString2); var ReplaceHtml = ResultStrStart +TDString2+ResultStrEnd; oRTE.document.body.innerHTML=ReplaceHtml; oRTE.focus(); RemoveCursorMarker(); document.getElementById('tabp3' + rte).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('tabp3' + rte).style.display = "none"; } //Function to add image function AddImage(rte) { var oRTE; if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } imagePath = prompt('Enter Image URL:', 'http://'); if ((imagePath != null) && (imagePath != "")) { oRTE.focus(); oRTE.document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, imagePath); oRTE.focus(); } } //function to perform spell check function checkspell() { try { var tmpis = new ActiveXObject("ieSpell.ieSpellExtension"); tmpis.CheckAllLinkedDocuments(document); } catch(exception) { if(exception.number==-2146827859) { if (confirm("ieSpell not detected. Click Ok to go to download page.")) window.open("http://www.iespell.com/download.php","DownLoad"); } else { alert("Error Loading ieSpell: Exception " + exception.number); } } } // Ernst de Moor: Fix the amount of digging parents up, in case the RTE editor itself is displayed in a div. function getOffsetTop(elm, parents_up) { var mOffsetTop = elm.offsetTop; var mOffsetParent = elm.offsetParent; if(!parents_up) { parents_up = 10000; // arbitrary big number } while(parents_up>0 && mOffsetParent) { mOffsetTop += mOffsetParent.offsetTop; mOffsetParent = mOffsetParent.offsetParent; parents_up--; } return mOffsetTop; } // Ernst de Moor: Fix the amount of digging parents up, in case the RTE editor itself is displayed in a div. function getOffsetLeft(elm, parents_up) { var mOffsetLeft = elm.offsetLeft; var mOffsetParent = elm.offsetParent; if(!parents_up) { parents_up = 10000; // arbitrary big number } while(parents_up>0 && mOffsetParent) { mOffsetLeft += mOffsetParent.offsetLeft; mOffsetParent = mOffsetParent.offsetParent; parents_up--; } return mOffsetLeft; } function Select(rte, selectname) { var oRTE; if (document.all) { oRTE = frames[rte]; //get current selected range var selection = oRTE.document.selection; if (selection != null) { rng = selection.createRange(); } } else { oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow; //get currently selected range var selection = oRTE.getSelection(); rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange(); } var idx = document.getElementById(selectname).selectedIndex; // First one is always a label if (idx != 0) { var selected = document.getElementById(selectname).options[idx].value; var cmd = selectname.replace('_' + rte, ''); oRTE.focus(); oRTE.document.execCommand(cmd, false, selected); oRTE.focus(); document.getElementById(selectname).selectedIndex = 0; } } function kb_handler(evt) { var rte = evt.target.id; //contributed by Anti Veeranna (thanks Anti!) if (evt.ctrlKey) { var key = String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode).toLowerCase(); var cmd = ''; switch (key) { case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break; case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break; case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break; }; if (cmd) { FormatText(rte, cmd, true); //evt.target.ownerDocument.execCommand(cmd, false, true); // stop the event bubble evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } } } function docChanged (evt) { alert('changed'); } function stripHTML(oldString) { var newString = oldString.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); //replace carriage returns and line feeds newString = newString.replace(/\r\n/g," "); newString = newString.replace(/\n/g," "); newString = newString.replace(/\r/g," "); //trim string newString = trim(newString); return newString; } function stripLineBreaks(oldString) { var newString = oldString; //replace carriage returns and line feeds newString = newString.replace(/\r\n/g," "); newString = newString.replace(/\n/g," "); newString = newString.replace(/\r/g," "); //trim string newString = trim(newString); return newString; } function trim(inputString) { // Removes leading and trailing spaces from the passed string. Also removes // consecutive spaces and replaces it with one space. If something besides // a string is passed in (null, custom object, etc.) then return the input. if (typeof inputString != "string") return inputString; var retValue = inputString; var ch = retValue.substring(0, 1); while (ch == " ") { // Check for spaces at the beginning of the string retValue = retValue.substring(1, retValue.length); ch = retValue.substring(0, 1); } ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length-1, retValue.length); while (ch == " ") { // Check for spaces at the end of the string retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.length-1); ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length-1, retValue.length); } // Note that there are two spaces in the string - look for multiple spaces within the string //while (retValue.indexOf(" ") != -1) { // Again, there are two spaces in each of the strings // retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.indexOf(" ")) + retValue.substring(retValue.indexOf(" ")+1, retValue.length); //} return retValue; // Return the trimmed string back to the user }